

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Madhur Chivda

This is a chivda I learnt to make from an old lady whom I used to call Tai (sister in marathi). She lived in Suman Nagar Colony in Mumbai and it was a treat to visit her. She always made special things for me. Though in Mumbai her ground floor flat had the previldge of a garden. There was a coconut, mango, gauva, Bilimbi and Kavathi Chapha trees (Type of Champa flower) that smelt so sweet.

Whenever I visited her I spent the whole day at her home so she would make this chivda and stocked it for me to munch on. This one is absolutely yum with a sweetish taste so it gets the name Madhur Chivda but it is high on calories. Nowadays we get a baked chivda like this one which is a better option I need to try it out at home someday. I like to indulge in this one once in a while. It goes straight to RCI June: Maharashtrian Cuisine! as it is brand Marathi.


2 cups beaten rice (thick)

2 tablespoon roasted split chickpeas

2 tablespoon ground nuts roasted

1 tablespoon chopped green chilies

1 handful curry leaves

1 tablespoon powder sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoon raisins

1 teaspoon mustard seeds

1/4 teaspoon asafoetida

1/2 litre of Oil

You will be shocked just reading the ingredient list. No don't worry we are not using that much oil. However you do need it to deep fry the beaten rice/ poha. The poha too should be Gavache pohe as Tai would say what she meant was the poha should be thick like the ones we use for Kande pohe. The thicker one puffs really nice when deep fried.

Now take the oil in a deep wok and heat on medium. Keep a strainer at hand as you will be frying the poha in the strainer it self in small qauntities at a time. They will puff real quick in hot oil. Remove when the color is still white. It gives this chivda the special charm. Drain on mesh lined with lots of paper napkins. Yeah you need lots to get rid of the excess oil. After frying all the flatened rice lets prepare the seasoning.

In a large heavy bottom vessel a cooker should do. Take about 1 tablepoon of oil and heat. Add the asafoetida, splutter the mustard seeds chopped green chilies and the curry leaves. Now put off the heat and add sugar, salt, roasted peanuts, roasted spilt chickpeas, raisins and fried beaten rice. Mix well. Cool and store in airtight container.

This Chivada is addictive and you won't be able to stop munching so take small helpings. Have a large Masala tea by the side. This one is just right for a rainy day and cold weather.


  1. Mmm...I feel like grabbing a handful right out of that bowl! Those pohe are hard to find here, but taste soooo good.

  2. Instread of frying the Powha we can microwave for 3 minutes (1 1/2 min each stirring it)

  3. I microwave the powha (thin variety and do it of 1 1/2 min and givee it a stir and then another 1 1/2 min until they are crisp time on the microwave depends on the quantity of Powha

  4. I do that too Pradeep. This is a recipe in memory of someone who loved me unconditionally, it is her way.


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