

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Bombay Curry I Simply Love

The Bombay Curry with Mushrooms  

My Bombay Kitchen by Niloufer Ichaporia King is a wonderful book that I cook from often. It is a wedding gift I received from my blogger buddies Evolving Tastes, The Cooker and Vadani Kaval Gheta. Gosh its a decade since we have been friends. ET visits me when she is in India. I look forward to meet the other two. This is also to thank you girls for this lovely gift which my hubby too approves of. After all the true success of a cookbook is when the recipe is cooked week on week as a family favorite and so you know why I am late to show it off here and thank you!

This is one curry I simply love to cook, eat and entertain with. I know that when I make this curry my party is a hit. 

The first few times I made it AC ate it without complaining, which means he is happy. Slowly he opened up like he always does and shares great gems of advice. He said his mother roasted the masala till it was lightly browned and nutty. The roasted masala curry is deeply satisfying. So now I roast the masala just like he said, patiently. He recounts his mother used a tablespoon of besan instead of roasted chana dal. I like the texture of roasted chana dal ground in the masala while I think besan might make the curry a little pasty. So I stick to the roasted chana dal, I may try with besan when I feel a little more adventurous. 

In the book too there is a note for the roasted masala, roasting the seeds in the masala for a richer brown color.

So here is The Bombay curry for you to try. I have reduced the quantities to Serve 2.


10-12 Mushrooms/ 2 chicken drumsticks/ 2 eggs / Seafood or whatever you fancy/ 
  *Pomfret heads* or *Cauliflower stems*

1/4 coconut, grated
2 cloves garlic
1/2 inch ginger
1/2 teaspoon kashmiri chili powder
2 teaspoons raw peanuts
1/2 teaspoon roasted chana dal
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1/2 teaspoon white poppy seeds
1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 inch cinnamon stick
2 -3 cloves  
1 medium onion chopped
1 small potato quartered
1 sprig of curry leaves
salt to taste
1 tablespoon oil

1. First in a grinder measure out the grated coconut, garlic, ginger, Kashmiri chili powder, raw peanuts, roasted chana dal, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, poppy seeds, turmeric powder, cinnamon and cloves. Grind together everything using minimum amount of water into a fine paste.

Once the masala is ground its easy to make the curry.

2. In a deep pan measure out oil. Season with curry leaves, add the chopped onion saute till transluscent. Now add the masala paste. Roast it till the masala is fragrant and red. The oil should be released by the masala, keep your patience. This should take about 15-20 mins. Watch it so it does not burn.

3. Add potatoes to it and coat with masala. 
4. Add the non veg or veg of your choice and coat it with masala. Cover and cook for 5 mins.
5. Now top up with enough water about 300ml to cover the non veg or veggies.
6. Cook it down to a nice creamy curry.

Serve the delicious curry with steamed Basmati rice. I am not a fan of Basmati but quite enjoy this curry with it. Sometimes I make Surti kolam rice to go with it. 

I must share a secret. This curry is indeed best with rice to mix with your fingers but let me tell you, it make a delicious combo with hot soft puris too.

This one is with boiled halved eggs

Updated 11 Feb 2018    : With Pomfret heads
For The Ugly Food Project

We the HAVES always waste a lot of food on our plate. That is ugly. This food can always be fed to animals. We buy blemish free fruits n vegetables and so the seller discards the Ugly food. Even a slight rot on a vegetable from the fridge can be removed and nutritious food can be created. I am guilty of not using seafood heads in my cooking for the bawa. Sometimes I give away things like lobster heads to anyone who accepts them. With a little bit of creativity we can feed the HAVE NOTS. This is my contribution to @chowder_singh 's The Ugly Food Project. If you are interested in contributing ideas and recipes, join the group on FB.

I usually keep aside pomfret heads so I can make a curry for my househelp. Earlier when I used to tell the fish seller to take those away she requested me to keep them for her.

You can use veg and non veg ugly food to create this delicious curry. Cauliflower stems would work really nicely too.


  1. Replies
    1. Ah I got you tempted! :) ;) Let me know how it turned out for you when you do.

  2. I have been slow to catch up on a lot of things, but so glad to hear that you are enjoying the book. Look forward to hearing what else you cook from the book!

    1. With a finicky husband cooking is such a challenge. I did make the green curry and akoori.


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