

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Dudhi na Muthia

How have you been folks? Hope you are enjoying the good side of this lockdown and resting up. I am enjoying it every bit a much needed break first time in my adult life where I need not worry about anything.
It is such an unprecedented time. I was planning to log regularly during the last month but I did not want to be clocking hours. This opportunity is not going to come often. I will make a separate post on how we dealt with the past month and also show you a collage of our meals. However this post is about how we grabbed our least favourite vegetable and tried to create new recipes out of it.

If you haven't been following me on YouTube go check it out. It's still very raw because I am shooting with one hand while I am cooking. Right now even editing videos is not easy for me as I laptop battery needs replacement, it completely dead. The other laptop has driver issues and does not connect to WiFi. No choice but to wait until I can step out to fix it.

Inspite of it thanks to the phone here I am posting on the blog, social media and YouTube. Hope you try out some recipes while staying at home. Stay safe, stay strong!


500gms Dudhi or bottle gourd
2 cups atta
2 tablespoons besan
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1 teaspoon red chili powder
1 tablespoon green chili paste
1 tablespoon ginger paste
Salt and sugar to taste.
Juice of 1/2 lime
Handful of chopped cilantro
1/4 cup Oil
For tadka
1 tablespoons of black til or whole sesame.
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
Handful of curry leaves if you have.

Peel and grate the Dudhi or bottle gourd. To the grated Dudhi add all the ingredients except oil. Knead well. Add 2 teaspoons oil and knead into the dough. Coat the dough lightly with oil.

Let the dough rest for 10 mins. After the dough becomes smooth pinch of small parts of dough with oiled hands shape into rolls. Place them on an oiled steel sieve or jaali lid. Meanwhile in the pressure cooker or steamer heat water to get steam build up. Once you have enough steam and have finished rolling the dough. Put the sieve inside the steaming set up. If using a pressure cooker put one pan and put the sieve over it. Steam for 20 mins. Cool completely. Once cooled slice into bit sized muthia.

Now prepare for tadka. Heat remaining oil in a kadhai, use more if you like. Splutter mustard seeds and sesame seeds. I like using whole sesame seeds which are black as they are more nutritious than polished white. Add curry leaves if you have. Add the spiced muthia into the kadhai. Stir fry till they get golden crisp edges. Serve warm. They taste delicious as is. If you insist on a dip then make mint cilantro chutney to go along.

I did not use all the muthia for one time as we are a family of two right now. I divided the muthia into three parts.

1. Served as dinner with potato airfries and tomato soup.
2. I made Muthia and Methi pulav.
3. Rasila Muthia a wonderful curry with muthia, potatoes and coconut masala.

Both 2 and 3 are on Talkative Anjali. Go watch.

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