Sunday, August 25, 2024


तस्मात्त्वमुत्तिष्ठ यशो लभस्व
जित्वा शत्रून्भुङ् क्ष्व राज्यं समृद्धम् |
मयैवैते निहता: पूर्वमेव
निमित्तमात्रं भव सव्यसाचिन् || 33||

I sometimes wonder what is the purpose of my life ? Especially after my father I felt my purpose in life was complete. 

I came into Cooper family to be an instrument. The Universe has destroyed my family’s opponents. One down one left. One like Dron gone down too. How many more to fight? Kauravas were 100. Here I see only one. I am going to be just a witness to how life rolls out.
Whenever I am in doubt a message like this flashes at me. 

Trying to be a Sthithapradnya because Krishna himself has promised in the above Shlok which means…

Therefore rise up and gain fame
Conquer your enemies and enjoy a prosperous kingdom
I have already killed these
Be only an occasion, Savyasachin || 33||

Monday, August 19, 2024

STOP चूडा फोड Breaking Bangles

Today I attended one of my favourite Kaka’s funeral. The goodbyes were hard enough.

Even harder were the चूडा फोड Breaking Bangles. It is not a ritual by scriptures but a tradition or practice. A very cruel one!

My kaki’s cries when her bangles were broken absolutely traumatised me. I cannot even imagine what it did to her 😭 She was resisting it. She yelped helplessly as she was stripped off her Saubhagya lakshan or adornments of marriage, her Mangal sutra, her Kunku. Does it have to be done this way? 


Let the woman decide whether she wants to keep the adornments or stop wearing. Let it be her wish. Let it be a natural process instead of this Trauma that is inflicted!

When I was leaving Kaki was crying and telling me “see what they have done to me”. See how I look now? For a woman this is like breaking her dignity !

Thank God I did not have to go through this on Arvi’s passing on as Parsis don’t have such a ritual in their religion or community practice. 


आज मी माझ्या आवडत्या काकांच्या अंत्यसंस्काराला गेली होती. निरोप देणच कठीण होते.

काकीचा चूडा फोडणे म्हणजे बांगड्या उतरवणे पाहणे त्याहूनही कठीण होते. हा धर्मग्रंथात कुठे ही निर्देशित केलेला विधी नसून परंपरा / प्रथा आहे. अतिशय क्रूर प्रथा आहे ती!

बांगड्या फोडताना माझ्या काकीचा आक्रोश ह्रदय द्रावक होता. माझ्यावर खूप आघात झाला. मी कल्पनाही करू शकत नाही की ती काय भोगत असेल 😭 ती प्रतिकार करत होती. तिची सौभाग्य लक्षणे, मंगळसूत्र, कुंकू काढून घेतल्याने ती असहायपणे आक्रोशत होती. असे करण्याची गरज आहे का?

मी आमच्या कोळी लोकांना ही क्रूर प्रथा थांबवण्याची विनंती करते. ही प्रथा नष्ट करा!

स्त्रीला ठरवू द्या की तिला अलंकार ठेवायचे आहेत की घालणे बंद करायचे आहे. तिच्या इच्छे प्रमणे जगू द्या तिला. या पीडादायक प्रथेऐवजी ती एक नैसर्गिक प्रक्रिया असू द्या!

मी निघताना काकी रडत होती आणि मला सांगत होती, “बघ त्यांनी माझं काय केलंय. बघ मी आता कशी दिसते?” स्त्रीसाठी हे तिची प्रतिष्ठा भंग करण्यासारखेच आहे!

देवाचे आभार मानते की आर्वींच्या निधनानंतर मला यातून जावे लागले नाही कारण पारशी धर्मात किंवा समाजात ही प्रथा नाही.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

BitwanIndia YouTube

A weekend reco for you…

I slept late enjoying a new YouTube channel BitwanIndia. The couple Bita and Bhagwan, a Persian (Iran) and Maharashtriya record their love story and life. I enjoyed watching them exploring each other’s cultures. I related with them as I am a Maharashtriya and my late husband Arvi was a Parsi who ofcourse identified himself as Bharatiya. 

What stood out starkly in Iran Zoroastrianism is an inclusive religion. Bhagwan could go right inside the fire temple upto the sanct sanctorium the central room where the fire is kept alive. 

The parents are open minded. The community does not make the life of intercultural / interracial / interreligious couples a nightmare by ostracising the couple. 

Here in Bharat, I am suffering a lot! I wasn’t allowed to enter the fire temple. I could not see the final rites of my husband. I am struggling with the Parsi law even today!

It is an oxymoron that Parsis are forward thinking! Their laws and community is archaic. They are far different from the current community in Iran. Parsis adopted Gujarati and the saree here. They look lost in the company of current Irani Zoroastrians.

This whole thing of maintaining purity of blood is a joke when 85% of Parsi blood is Gujarati as proved by scientific research on DNA and history.

You don’t need to look deep that all these laws and traditions are only to hoard the wealth and property of the Parsi community. 

I am fortunate to have Arvi’s loving two Fois / aunts and his Mami who stand strong with me right from when I met them before marriage. These family members are a treasure I lucked out on!

There are those rare few friends in the community who care for me. Check on me. 

There is one Zahhak that will be destroyed by my Fravarshis. I trust in practicing good thoughts, good words, and good deeds!

God bless @bitwanindia with prosperity, happiness and joy!

Friday, August 02, 2024

Prabhat Koli at EpicSwimMaui

A BIG ROAR 🦁 for Prabhat Koli and friends!

Congratulations to the entire team of swimmers, security, health and logistics! and all other departments. We are beyond proud of you all! Waiting to welcome Prabhat home and I know I am going to be glued to listening to the stories.

@1more808 Dayanidhi Das you gave us the most mesmerising views of this EPIC swim. 


About Epic Swim Maui.

"United by their passion for protecting and restoring the health of our ocean, these extraordinary athletes have officially completed the CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF MAUI for the first time in history." - @epicswimmaui

Just WOW! 20 days, 160 miles circumnavigating Maui to raise awareness for Ocean Health.

Follow Prabhat on Instagram 

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Imaginary Character

When we love someone we imagine a character that the person might not be.

If the person in your imagination does it in actions. Then that character is real. 

Yet if actions are real but decisions for a relationship are not inclusive. 


So the apologies will never come! 

On Trail