This is Ferzin. Born in 1996 to Ardaviraf’s sister Aban. You read the PUBLIC NOTICE in the previous post.
Aban was divorced. Ferzin did not grow up with her. She was taken away by her father a way of good wording for kidnapped, when she was 8yrs old. Aban’s divorce decree states nothing should be given to child Ferzin and husband Manek.
She has never been there for her mother. Aban was ailing for 10yrs. She was unable to work so had no source of income. She was looked after by my husband Ardaviraf until her death in July 2013.
Ferzin was 19yrs when she attended Ardaviraf and my wedding reception along with her father and extended family.
See them here in my old blog. In the reception I was surrounded by the gang when Manek asked me, “So you have come to manage Ardaviraf’s matters?!” I was shell shocked.
While Ardaviraf was alive she has visited us only 2 times. She would only talk about money when she would make a phone call.
I considered her as a child. The only child in Cooper family. As we had got married late at 45 yrs & Ardaviraf 48yrs respectively. We weren’t going to have a child.
When she visited I always made sure she felt welcomed in the Cooper home. Ensured she never left empty handed. I told her she could come over and stay with us. I offered to teach her baking. We could travel together. However she never accepted any of the positive approach I made towards her.
Ardaviraf had wished for 4 day prayers to be done at the Malabar Hill doongerwadi. After he passed on I requested Ferzin to stay there and do as he had wished. Since Parsi religion does NOT accept non Parsis like me. I offered to pay for all expenses for her and Manek’s stay there. SHE REFUSED. She did not even attend the full prayers schedule as per Parsi religion.
On the third day after Ardaviraf passed away she and her father asked me about property. I told that I will file a petition and once that’s done will give her as directed by Ardaviraf.
Ardaviraf passed away in Oct 2018. In Nov was Ferzin’s birthday. I sent her a chocolate cake in an attempt to keep a loving connection with her even after her Uncle and my husband was no more.
Ardaviraf and I had decided that we will give the flat where I live ( since marriage until now ) to her after both of us are dead and gone. This against Aban’s divorce decree. However she started demanding even before the Petition order was released to me. Therefore it got converted to a suit. She was just 21 yrs then !
Two years ago we attempted a mediation that has not been closed or resolved due to her unreasonable demands.
She is 28 years now. I can’t believe she is this FRAUD !
This is a common story with Parsis. They just want to freeload ! The Parsi laws are racial and discriminating. Even though I was married under Indian marriage act and Parsi law does not apply in the case. This objection by her is simply harassment.
I will narrate in the following blogs how the Parsi community has treated me. How they are wronging me by supporting her only as she is Parsi.