Sunday, February 23, 2025

Vaastu Has Gratitude ?

Even non living things demand your energies and therefore I think they too must be having gratitude for the carer. Especially a Vastu and among it a place you call home. 

I have brought my marital home to a level of spick n span cleanliness and has become my pride. Within my limits I give it a lot of love and try to make it beautiful improving it everyday, 9yrs of my life I have given to this home. However life’s insecurities loom heavy on it.

This greedy monster Ferzin Manek Patel is saying I was married to Arvi only for 3 yrs so she is more entitled to the home. Just by being born by accident to Aban, not living with her and not giving her the love and care a mother who is sick needs yet she demands for the home. 

Not for nothing this TIME is called KALYUG ! 

Our corrupt systems are going against nature. 

I trust in the plan of the UNIVERSE. Justice will happen as is in NATURE. 


Friday, February 14, 2025

मानपान : To Honor

In my culture when there are weddings relatives are honored with clothes and other rituals. 

Yesterday Harishchandra whom we call Harchan gifted me this saadi and said wear it for my son’s wedding and attend. I bought a good one. I thanked him and immediately he called his wife on phone who has been my childhood vacation friend in Thal and asked us to talk to each other. I felt so loved ! 

Harchan was a very hardworking kid growing up. His home was a hut and had no electricity even when the rest of our village had electricity. He went fishing with his father and studied well too. So my parents let him sleep and study in our Thal home. Which was huge and empty. My Aai lived there alone for around a decade at the time. She would share food with him at times. Later he worked for Zilla parishad. He told my cousins that he is grateful for our help. So he honors all of us 5 cousin sisters with saadis. He is one of the many my family has helped. I am grateful to my parents for teaching us kindness by example. 

It isn’t important how much the saadi costs! The love and honor is all that counts. He insisted I wear and attend knowing I might not wear it for the wedding. I immediately assured him. 

So today I made the tassels and getting my look ready for 8 March.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Inferiority Complex

When you don’t love yourself enough you feel inferior to others. 

I am very aware about how I talk to kids especially my next generation. I try to be encouraging and express my love through words and actions both. As an elder I try to instil an aspiration in the family kids. 

However not all kids are same. There are kids of all Colors and shape n size in the family. They are differently talented. Yet their immediate environment is not as evolved. Some have been subject to bullying due to color and discrimination due to not being as bright in studies as some elders in the family. 

This has led to the children rejecting anyone who tries to talk to them about these issues. 

It is the inferiority complex inside them that makes them project it on people and disconnect from them. It is the parents duty to guide the child about handling discrimination. It is part of life and one has to deal with it with the right attitude and not cut out every one especially well meaning people from life.

Sad that in this way their own growth will be stunted.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Never Go Uninvited

In RamCharitManas there is an incident where 
Shiv explicitly tells his wife Sati not to attend her father Daksha's grand sacrifice (yagna) because Daksha had deliberately not invited Shiv, signifying his deep dislike for him, and going uninvited would lead to humiliation and disrespect for both Sati and Shiv; 
essentially, Shiv advises her to not go to Daksha's house due to the potential for insult and conflict. 

Inherently Daksha doesn’t approve of Shiv. So Sati who 
due to the dilemma that Daksha is her father and she 
doesn’t need invite goes for the yadnya. However Daksha 
does not honor Shiv infact insults Shiv and what follows is 
Sati jumps into the yadnya and dies. She does this to keep 
the honor of Shiv. 

I have the same experience. I have not been honoured nor cherished. A wedding is planned for almost a year. Whatever needs to be done has a lot of time. If you don’t know a spelling of someone’s name you had the whole year to ask for it. To exclude the name from the list in the wedding card is to act deliberately. Secondly a saree is given to honour the relatives. If not given it is deliberate as lists for honouring people is made in advance and only then shopping is done for the wedding. I was never a part of their plan for celebration. 

These people are so unpredictable. 

Yet the invite was given to me as a courtesy. I will reciprocate the courtesy. 

Note: I have done many good deeds to these same people but alas ! 

Friday, February 07, 2025

Give me strength Shree Ram

Reminds me of the sinking boat incident in Prayag mentioned in Shree Gondavalekar Maharaj’s Charitra.

Just for you to count how many things can go wrong in life, my life. Today I came back home with horrid spasms in the spine. Took injections and got relief. Tomorrow need to get X-rays done and few blood tests. 

हात धोके मेरे पीछे पडे है मेरे राम ! आखीर में गले लगाएंगे । पर अब के लिए सहन शक्ति देना प्रभू …

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Tu Insan Tera Khandan Insan

There is so much to learn from dogs. Loyalty is foremost and fountain of love ! 

Rest I think this video is apt for Parsis like Ferzin Manek Patel. Sending her all the evil 👿 curses for harassing me. 

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Bankruptcy or Homelessness?

My family whom I never met. I gave them a wall because I believe they watch over me.

If in life you have to choose Bankruptcy or Homelessness ? What would you choose ?

In my current situation these are thoughts that come to mind. Unless I ponder on these I will not be prepared to decide. I am a woman of 54 yrs. 

I will choose going Bankrupt. 

Loosing a Home is the last choice. As long as I have a home I can do these things.

1. I can sleep peacefully. 
2. I am not running from one place to another. 
3. Cook for myself without a home buying food becomes a compulsion.
4. I am in safe environment.
5. I can start working again. May be starting selling food again.

I have to think of these choices because Ferzin Manek Patel has blocked my inheritance when she herself is already living in abundance. This is PURE GREED.

“They will try to break you, frustrate you, bring you down to your knees. These things are going to happen. Be strong, be flexible but don’t ever let anyone think you are helpless !”

Advice from an 80 yr old woman.

When I trust my Shree Gondavalekar Maharaj I am prepared for what ever happens in life. 

My soul is untouched by these happenings. 

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Hospitalisation & Bankruptcy

Like everyone else in Bharat my worry is I may be only one 🏥 hospitalisation away from  bankruptcy💸 !

I am a heart patient and have even mentioned this in court that what little money I have is kept aside for medical expenses.

How I curse 🤬 Ferzin Manek Patel,
 her uncle Rohinton and her legal team for blocking my inheritance from Ardaviraf. The Universe will deal with these greedy monsters ! 👹 

On Trail