Sunday, December 09, 2012

Growing Mustard Greens

Growing Mustard Greens was something I wanted to attempt what with Bollywood glamorizing the lush green mustard fields of Punjab. Frankly I had eaten saag so many times at the best of Punjabi restaurants in Mumbai (were there any other kind in the late 70-80s) but had never seen the leaves used for the saag.

In my mode of sprouting any and all seeds from the pantry I sowed the mustard seeds. In 8 days I had Punjab in my lil balcony I thought until I googled for mustard greens. The pics looked nothing like I had in my tray. The leaves when mature are large and the plant grows the height of a person in the fields of Punjab. My tray got a little crowded even with the micro greens and I had to harvest them by the end of 8 days. 

These were not good enough for saag making and the quantity was too large for a salad of mustard greens. These are pungent to taste and have to be used as sprinkles if at all to be used in salads. So I found a super way of using them.

For now since this is a post on the stuff I grow in my Growing Methi, start from the planting step. Then sprinkle the seeds and moisten the planting media and keep doing it till you see sprouts.

Come back again to read about my experiment with mustard greens in a French recipe!


  1. Bumper crop! Did you try cooking them with potato or dal to tone down the sharpness, and also to add volume?

    1. I do that with barik methi, this is a special crop so went into a special recipe.

  2. Wow, stunning..Loving ur greens.

  3. Awesome - waiting for your recipe.


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