Friday, December 18, 2020

Nagkesar, Cobra Saffron

Spice no. 12

Nagkesar or Cobra Saffron is a strange name but indispensable in Ayurveda due to its large range of use in ailments related to the gut such as vomiting, fever, migraines and even urinary tract infections. It is an important component of Chyavanprash. Strangely it is a very popular ornamental evergreen tree in Srilanka and is therefor also the national tree.

Nagkesar is ground along with other spices to get blends but never used singularly. The Nagkesar tree is commonly found across South East Asia and is used in local medicine beside the hard word is also sought after.

The taste of Nagkesar is like all spice. It is not to be confused with tailed pepper or Kabab chini which looks similar but varies in flavor.

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