Saturday, October 05, 2024


Our birth is calculated and planned by the Universe. When we are born a certain alignment of stars influences what life we will live on this earth 🌏 

The more difficulties we have we will understand how we are but only puppets on the world stage. My father always said this. I took it as an information passed on from generations. As recorded in the scriptures and literature. However unless it is our experience we don’t really understand the meaning. That is why we have to live life. 

I have begun to realise that our will is least important. It can be a dream, desire but not reality unless the universe wills it. 

There are good people and bad people. The good people will not wrong another. The evil will always be the reason for others pain and difficulties. Both are creations of the Universe. Equal in her eyes. So what is the reason we feel bad about our wishes, dreams and desires when they are not fulfilled? It is the ego! 

It is the ग्रह We don’t have a choice. We are born. We will live and when it is time we will leave. 

However certain evil people can be identified. Their history indicates it. Right from birth they only spell ill luck for the parents, family and extended family. It is truly a battle of good against evil. Waiting for the right ग्रह to align. Hoping for the best for myself. Only prayers work. I pray that the universe knows best so learning not to ask for my wish to be fulfilled but let it happen as it is designed. 

Meanwhile as I sit in the balcony with Omid on my lap demanding rubs I am filled with gratitude for what I have received so far. The good and the bad. That has shaped me. Hope this helps in the evolution of my soul. Finally that is my goal 🙏🏽

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