Monday, June 17, 2024

Love What You Have

Love what you have! 

I am at my best health right now. Even though the downward spiral started in 2012 after the heart incident. I love this picture of me which I took on my phone with a timer and placed it on my luggage cart. It was at Bangalore airport when I returned to Mumbai and said I will return soon to BLR. I was so restless on hearing about MM’s surgery. He denied me even a visit to see him! 

I am thankful for Omid and Bubble in my life. Omid for his unconditional and infinite love. This picture was clicked when I came back to Mumbai from BLR. 

Bubble will love me till he grows up. Life has taught me that when kids grow up they no longer need you and stop reciprocating love, especially boys! 

However until I have that love I will hang on. Also I mention both of them on my blog for the first time today.

My wish is to be known as an embodiment of LOVE. While I am alive. I will be a loving mother to Omid. A loving aunt to those who are accepting. A loving person to people in my family and circle. 

I will give an ear to everyone who needs it. Try to understand people’s pain. Help when someone needs it. I have been doing it and will continue it.

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